From: Starr* Saffa
Type: Forum
Group: Alliance Plenary
Subject: Spirit of the Center - Network Nation
Date: May 17, 2014
The reason the Source appears to be everywhere is because the 'manifested kosmos and worlds' are holographic by nature - emanating from the Central Point or Hub.
In order for Humanity to Flower, as the Sixth Sun requires' it is important to understand 'how it is' that the "I AM Principle" is within each Being.
In this way people can identify with the unmanifested Source from which their Soul/Consciousness emanates and not get caught up by all the 'false hubs' and worlds of illusion generated by the eager beavers which have controlled them for millions of years as time passes?
Will Humanity be able to stop their attachment to idolizing the eager beavers and the constructs they have instilled? To what degree they are able to do this determines the quality of the old and new earth in which people live.
Still advocating for the Direct Connection - Starr*
--- On Sat, May 17, 2014, Nirmalan Dhas wrote ---
That center REALLY IS everywhere...
N --- On Sat, May 17, 2014, Bruce Schuman wrote ---
This Network Nation energy continues to grow.
The big container for it all, around and through which the infinitely-many pieces of the mosaic are formed, is now called The Pattern of the Whole.
From that center, we are to call the world to that center, and convene the world around that center.