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 Mr SĀ“ace de G root, GM
Intro / Bio:in 2006 i became a bivid, a sortr of a new wor(l)d that catalyzes my personal meaning for the existence to guide my response to life; in the first week of januar 2007 this pivoted to the word bioVoid.

Again the word bioVoid has no meaning however invites me to receive energy and get meaning from the messenger in order to understand what happened on the blank sheet.

bio :: represents the sensoric realm / quantum / field V oid :: represents the telepathic realm / quantum / field

"bio" aligns to the Father, understanding this as the Masculine Principle - the Yang Hemisphere / principle

"oid" aligns to the Mother, understanding this as the Feminine Principle - the Yin Hemisphere / principle

V aligns to the Child: "the Child First" said my friend Antonio these days ... Again, understanding this is famly life for the Childs need for a Dynamic Field in especially th first 4 years (0-3) of existence - when the child lives in the Family-Womb. To this THoughT is aligned the idea that Each Day / Week / Moon / Year / Leap / etc. Cycle has an End and a New Beginning, a Blank Sheet for Listening ...

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New:Wednesday, November 13, 2013
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